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Srini's Blog

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

2008 - Looking back - I

2008 was a mixed year for me. Some of my hobbies took a beating this year, but at the same time there was a sharp increase in some.

1. Bourne series - first 3 books
Loved the Bourne series.
4. Hammer of eden - Ken follett
This was an old book I got from my friend. Though it had a dull start, it was a very good read..
5. Runaway Jury - John Ghrisham
Excellent book by the "law" author John Grisham.
6. The Appeal - John Ghrisham
One of the recent books of John Grisham. Was a very good book.
7. 3 mistakes of my life - Chetan Bhagat
Probably not as good as Chetan Bhagat's previous two books. But was a OK book nevertheless.
8. QnA by Vikas Swarup
Now this turned out to be a real gem. The book is very well written and a number of small things in the book were beautifully interwoven to create an excellent story and a gripping climax. The book urges you to read on and never felt dull, though it did touch the boundary of repetitiveness now and then.

English music:
Linkin park - Minutes to midnight
This was a very good album by Linkin park. Really liked it.
Rihanna - Good girl gone bad
This was very good and kept me engaged for a few days
Anthems - The 08 album
This was a compilation of 3 cds packed in one. It had some excellent songs, right from Bob sinclair to iio. Must-hear!!
Enigma - Seven lives many faces
Havent been much into Enigma. But this album had some really memorable songs.
Other artists worth mentioning
Black eyed peas, Akon, Daddy Yankee, Flipsyde and many more..

Tamil music:
Anjathey - good
Saroja - very good
Sakkarakatti - excellent
Dhaam dhoom - very good
Subramaniyapuram - very good
Aegan - good
Vaaranam aayiram - very good
Dasavatharam - very good

Hindi music:
Ghajini - very good
Slumdog millionaire - excellent!! Pick of the year!
Jaane tu Ya Janne na - very good
Rock on - excellent

English movies:
The bucket list - very good
Madagascar 2 - good
Dark knight - excellent
Quantum of solace - good
The number 23 - good

Hindi movies:
Love story 2050 - good
Slumdog millionaire - very good.But they've butchered the book!
Jaane tu Ya Janne na - good

Tamil movies:
Anjathey - very good
Saroja - excellent
Sakkarakatti - bad
Dhaam dhoom - OK
Subramaniyapuram - very good
Aegan - good
Vaaranam aayiram - very good
Dasavatharam - very good

Crysis - excellent
Call of duty 4 - excellent!!
FEAR (2005) - very good
Crysis warhead - very good
Psychonauts - very good
Prince of persia 2008 - excellent

I am sure I missed some, but these were certainly the best of my hobbies for 08 :)


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